Friday, March 2, 2012

You are what you eat!

All I want to do is change the world one person at a time. You deserve to have the right to know what you’re eating and the process of what happens to the food you eat. If you knew these two things you’d probably view food in a whole new perspective. Lots of meats are full of antibiotics and hormones. YES- MEDICINE! Some antibiotics are used in the animal feed and their bodies become resistant to the what you think happens once we consume these meats? Our bodies become resistant to those antibiotics too..which makes it more difficult for you to fight an infection (if the antibiotic given to you to help fight it was the one used in the animals feed).  And the hormones…Little girls are now starting to develop at a very young age..their periods are starting younger and younger! (What I think is) Because of these hormones our bodies are reacting in ways they aren’t supposed to. Factories put hormones in chicken and cattle  to speed up the rate at which they grow. They need them to develop faster to keep up with the high demand of the fast food industry. So, they give their animals these hormones. Chicken can’t even keep up with the rate at which they’re growing. They have these ginormous breast, and they can’t walk. Their bones can’t keep up with the rate at which it is maturing. So they just collapse. So in theory, we keep eating more and more processed foods and fast food..then why you think kids are developing so early? Their bodies are reacting to all the hormones as well.
My previous post was about the PINK SLIME. Well that really is inside of a fast food/processed chicken nugget..and meat. When you look inside the chicken nugget does it look like chicken you cook at home? NO! So what exactly are you eating? I love the way my dietetics professor puts it.. “You’re eating LIPS & BUTTHOLES people! Lips and buttholes!”  When processed food is being made, they aren’t going to use the expensive cuts of meat to make it..that goes to high-end restaurants  and some grocery stores..not in bagged/frozen foods or a fast food chain. Instead all the scraps from that piece of meat..and all the “left overs” of the animal get grinded up, put into ammonia to kill bacteria, and then is made to look like ground meat. Makes you feel real comfy about what you eat, right? I don’t know about you..but my mom never let me eat household chemicals/cleaners when growing up..I surely don’t  want to start now.
I have a video that is attached to this post. Please take the time to watch it. It was shown in my dietetics class and I think it is very important and informative when it comes to processed foods..It’s definitely an eye opener!  
Slowly,(as we all know)  we are killing ourselves with the food we eat. Healthier decisions can be made and could make the world of difference to your body. If you don’t want all these antibiotics, hormones, and “Lips& buttholes” in your food it’s as simple as reading the label before you buy it. When a product says “organic” this means that it was produced on a farm NOT a factory. It does not contain any antibiotics, hormones, or anything extra. It’s NATURAL. According to the USDA, atleast 95% of the product MUST be natural to be considered ORGANIC. Usually the product is like 97-98%. That is well worth your money. [MAKE SURE THAT THE PRODUCT HAS THE USDA’S ORGANIC SEAL TO BE SURE THAT THE COMPANY IS NOT A FRAUD!] And of course, since it takes a lot more time and effort to grow the product, it will cost you a little more than processed foods. BUT! In the long run does it really? I mean, processed foods are slowly killing you…and with the doctor bills and sicknesses you’ll probably end up spending more on that!
My next few post won’t be on fast food & processed foods. I just wanted to make you aware of what you are consuming, you have the right! HAPPY NATIONAL NUTRITION MONTH! J

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Fast Food? No Thank you!

I was procrastinating homework and came across this little article on a friend's Facebook. Thank the good Lord I do not eat fast food! & you should re-think eating it too! I've always known what goes into processed foods, but this is definitely an even BIGGER eye opener!

Dr Akilah El – Celestial Healing Wellness Center

The Natural Health and Holistic World According to Dr Akilah El

Can You Guess What McDonald’s Food Item This Is?

By Bruce Hampton

You have been served…………with mechanically separated chicken! Over a billion sold!

This is what fast-food chicken nuggets, processed frozen chicken meat, and patties are made of. BARF!!!!!

Here’s the creation process. What they do is take parts of a chicken and put it through this machine that mechanically separate the meat from the bone. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen. What it does instead is smash EVERYTHING including the bones, eyes and guts making it come out looking like the picture above.

Since this meat is infested with bacteria, it will be soaked in ammonia in order to kill those little critters. But who wants ammonia nuggets? Not I and I’m sure you don’t want any either. So in order to mask the ammonia taste, they season it with a shit load of artificial flavors. [Yup, that will do it]

Right about now, I know what you’re gonna ask. “Hey Bruce? How do they get rid of the freakish pink color?”

Dude? That’s what dye is for. So in order to get people to devour this crap, they dye it with artificial colors in order to give it that white texture.

Mmmmm! Mmmm! Taste like chicken. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!

Here’s the deal with mechanically separated meat. [I’m going to call it MSM for short because I don’t have that much time on my hands.] MSM is a paste like substance that is created by forcing part of an animal carcass into the sleeve of a machine called “Meat Deboner”.

The meat deboner machine-- So they cram the animal parts into this machine, which grinds up the animal carcasses into a big glob of reddish mush!

So this is what you get in the end.

But they’re not done folks. Next, they add ammonium hydroxide to kill the bacterial and then they add anhydrous ammonia for refrigeration purposes. This concoction goes on to become the main ingredient in many hot dogs, bologna, chicken nuggets, pepperoni, salami, jerky, etc.

I don’t know about you but my stomach is turning inside and out just typing about this stuff. Now I see why more and more people are going vegetarian.

It’s not only chicken nuggets that have been MSMed!!!! Most meat companies take the “cheap route” by using the less desirable meat of animals to make food. Meat that is unidentifiable like hot dogs, hamburgers and that stuff you find in frozen dinners. When these meats are Frankensteined created, they don’t really need to retain their appearance, shape or texture. In order to trick consumers, meat companies use artificial flavoring, coloring and preservatives to alter the color, taste and texture of this trash.

Who cares if it’s shaped like a turd. At least it taste good, right?

Now you’re probably asking yourself, “How can they get away with this? Is there no dignity in the Meat Packing Industry?”


You see, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), mechanically separated poultry is safe to eat and may be used without restriction.

But before you start organizing an “Occupy USDA” movement, they (the USDA) did state that commercial food products must be labeled as Mechanically Separated Poultry:

Mechanically separated poultry (MSP) is a paste-like and batter-like poultry product produced by forcing bones, with attached edible tissue, through a sieve or similar device under high pressure to separate bone from the edible tissue. Mechanically separated poultry has been used in poultry products since the late 1960′s. Mechanically separated meat may not be described simply as “meat” on food labels, but must be labeled as “mechanically separated” pork, chicken, or turkey in the ingredients statement.

Honestly, how many of you really take the time to read the ingredient labels on your food?

Since there was a big scare about the spread of mad cow disease (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) the sale of MSM-derived beef products for human consumption in the U.S. was banned in 2004.

However, the United Kingdom decided to take a different route.

Since bits of the spinal cord (the part most likely to be carrying BSE) often got mixed in with the rest of the meat, products using mechanically separated meat taken from the carcasses of bovines were at higher risk for transmitting BSE to humans. The United Kingdom tightened restrictions to help ensure that pieces of the spinal cord would not be present in mechanically separated meat taken from bovines in 1989.[1][2]

Really? How do they go about doing that? Is someone pulling cow spine out of each and every carcass before sticking it into the machine? If you believe that then I have 10 acres of land to sell you in Texas. All you have to do is pay the $400 property tax and the land is all YOURS!!!!!