Thursday, February 2, 2012


Just because someone is skinny DOES NOT mean they are healthy. They can be the most unhealthy person on the face of this planet--eating Mickey D's every other day with a beer on side of it. Who knows! With that being said, do not compare yourself to anyone else! God made you YOU for a reason. The way you carry your weight looks totally different from Joe Blow on side of you. The scale needs to be your friend but you do not need to be reliant on it. Weigh yourself every other week or once a month.
Ready to start getting in shape?
I'm sure :)
Well, if you never exercised before it's ok. Just have the mentality you can get through anything and everything! Don't stop what you're doing cold turkey. You want to slowly make changes because you don't want your body reverting back to the "old you". Start to make healthier and more wise food choices. Instead of fried bbq pork skins, eat baked lays. A lot of healthy food may taste so different and it will be an acquired tasted..but eventually the fattening stuff will taste horrible and you will not leave the toilet after you eat it..HAHAHA :) --And start keeping track of what you eat through out the day. Just jot down a little note or something just so you become aware of what you're eating. You won't believe how much you're actually consuming and WHAT you're consuming. The old saying "you are what you eat" is so true. You wear what you eat. If you cheat on your diet, you're only cheating yourself--no one else. And when you do have good days, do not reward yourself with food..YOU ARE NOT A DOG! Reward yourself with a new piece of wardrobe or something of that sort. After all, you will need something to put that Rockin' new body in! ;) DRINK LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS OF WATER! The majority of the time we think we are hungry when in all actuality we are super thirsty! Of course, last but not least...start MOVING! Get up off your butt and do something---for atleast 30 minutes! The whole time you've been playing on the computer you could have went walk or could have done some form of exercise. It takes your body 30 minutes to start fat put down the tub of ice cream and go for a little walk. You'd be surprised how beautiful it is outside and how much more appreciative you become towards nature. Having a workout partner really helps. Schedule a routine with them. Neither of you will want to back out because you won't want to let the other person down, and eventually when your social life or something'll be in a routine and you'll be able to exercise alone. CONSISTENCY IS KEY!

I highly recommend In my dietetics classes we refer to this site quite a bit. If you don't know how many calories you should be consuming a day, how many you should be burning, etc go there..I love it. By the way...did you download "My Fitness Pal" yet? (click the hyperlink to go to apple's site and you can read more about it.)

Also, here's a sample of what a typical day of eating for me. (SCREENSHOT FROM MYFITNESSPAL.)

you should record every last thing that goes into your mouth!

"Is it worth it?"

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My Story: From Fat to Fab

I am no dietitian. I am no expert on fitness. But I have my own personal story.
       In 2009 is when my journey began. It was the end of my freshman year of college. I was 18 years old, weighing 181.7 pounds. People always say your first year of college="FRESHMAN FIFTEEN"..haha yeahhh more like "FRESHMAN FIFTY"! I always had issues with my appearance, and at this time in my life it was really bad. I no longer liked who I was. I wanted to change, but I had no clue how. I knew about the gym, the fad diets, etc. but where do I start? I never believed in diet pills; I always believed hard work really pays off where it is due. Well, at the Workout Company in Raceland a new weight loss competition for the summer was coming up. It was called "Biggest Loser on the Bayou". Locals gathered, made teams, and competed (like Biggest Loser on TV) to lose weight. Fortunately, my best friend's mom asked me to join her team.
 I could not pass up the offer. I was so embarrassed to be exercising in front of people..and even worse..WEIGHING IN in front of them! I was so worried about what all these people would think of me. But the truth is, people are happy for you--proud of you--so many different emotions are soaring because you are being CONFIDENT and taking a better step towards your health.
The program started in May and ended in July. With a lot of hard core exercising and a strict diet, I managed to lose 25 pounds. That's A LOT of weight (for a girl) to lose in such a short period of time. Once the competition was over, I slowly started to develop my old eating habits again. Before I knew it my weight was back up to 170-ish. I was eating fast food all the time; it seemed so convenient because I live life on-the-go. In August of 2010 I finally got some motivation back. My mom bought me "INSANITY" for my 20th birthday. Insanity is a high cardio workout--SUPER INTENSE! They don't call it Insanity for nothing. I started the DVD's right away, but  I didn't remain consistent with it until January 2011. That's when my life changed completely..for the better!

January 2011- I had an amazing workout partner, Josie Plaisance. We pushed eachother to  the limit. Just when I thought I couldn't go anymore.. I pushed a little bit harder. Also, my boyfriend I was dating at the time helped motivate me because of his passion for fitness.
February 2011- I was becoming a workout gu-ru. There was just one thing I didn't understand..WHY I COULDN'T GET MY EATING HABITS UNDER CONTROL!? I just couldn't bring myself to watch what I was eating.. I just wanted to eat, eat, eat---alllllll of the time! Well guess what? I discovered this cool, nifty little app called "MyFitnessPal". If you don't have it, you should. It is phenomenal! Once I started portioning my food, the weight just melted off of me!
March 2011- It was like one day I was 170 something pounds and the next I was in my 150's!! I lost 30 pounds :) I swear I felt like a whole new person. My confidence started boosting! The compliments I received were the biggest reward to me. I never felt so amazing in my life. I submitted my before and after pictures to Insanity. No sooner than I submitted them, they wanted to hear my story because of the success I had!

April 2011-NOW- I've kept the 30 pounds off, and I've lost 20 more. I now weigh 130 pounds. I go to the gym almost every single day. I like to try to go to 5am classes. For Christmas, my mom bought me the new Insanity called Asylum. I try to incorporate that into my workout routine as much as possible. I eat the minimum of 1200 calories a day and I allow myself to splurge whenever I feel it's necessary.

NOW..THE REASON I CREATED THIS BLOG!----Most people don't think they can do it..or all their lives they've been told "Ohhh, you're just big boned"! Well that's bullshit. I was always told that and obesity runs in my family. YOU and only YOU can take control of YOUR life. Don't let what you see in your family history put a label on who you are. It's never too late to change unless you're on your death bed. Each day is a new one. I hope to update my blog weekly, if not more with helpful tips, recipes, advice, etc to motive people to get up off the couch and do something. I may not be able to change the WHOLE world and make it healthy, but I can atleast do it one person at a time and start a chain reaction. Feel free to email me, call me, anything with questions-comments-or concerns. And if I help you at all, PLEASE let me know! I love the encouragement! Soo with that said, STAY TUNED ;)