All I want to do is change the world one person at a time. You deserve to have the right to know what you’re eating and the process of what happens to the food you eat. If you knew these two things you’d probably view food in a whole new perspective. Lots of meats are full of antibiotics and hormones. YES- MEDICINE! Some antibiotics are used in the animal feed and their bodies become resistant to the what you think happens once we consume these meats? Our bodies become resistant to those antibiotics too..which makes it more difficult for you to fight an infection (if the antibiotic given to you to help fight it was the one used in the animals feed). And the hormones…Little girls are now starting to develop at a very young age..their periods are starting younger and younger! (What I think is) Because of these hormones our bodies are reacting in ways they aren’t supposed to. Factories put hormones in chicken and cattle to speed up the rate at which they grow. They need them to develop faster to keep up with the high demand of the fast food industry. So, they give their animals these hormones. Chicken can’t even keep up with the rate at which they’re growing. They have these ginormous breast, and they can’t walk. Their bones can’t keep up with the rate at which it is maturing. So they just collapse. So in theory, we keep eating more and more processed foods and fast food..then why you think kids are developing so early? Their bodies are reacting to all the hormones as well.
My previous post was about the PINK SLIME. Well that really is inside of a fast food/processed chicken nugget..and meat. When you look inside the chicken nugget does it look like chicken you cook at home? NO! So what exactly are you eating? I love the way my dietetics professor puts it.. “You’re eating LIPS & BUTTHOLES people! Lips and buttholes!” When processed food is being made, they aren’t going to use the expensive cuts of meat to make it..that goes to high-end restaurants and some grocery stores..not in bagged/frozen foods or a fast food chain. Instead all the scraps from that piece of meat..and all the “left overs” of the animal get grinded up, put into ammonia to kill bacteria, and then is made to look like ground meat. Makes you feel real comfy about what you eat, right? I don’t know about you..but my mom never let me eat household chemicals/cleaners when growing up..I surely don’t want to start now.
I have a video that is attached to this post. Please take the time to watch it. It was shown in my dietetics class and I think it is very important and informative when it comes to processed foods..It’s definitely an eye opener!

My next few post won’t be on fast food & processed foods. I just wanted to make you aware of what you are consuming, you have the right! HAPPY NATIONAL NUTRITION MONTH! J